Expanded our access to Pharmaprojects!

Expanded our access to Pharmaprojects!

The Markus Library is pleased to offer site license to access Phramaprojects. This means that everyone at Rockefeller University can access Phramaprojects!

Pharmaproject is the industry’s most trusted and comprehensive drug development database. With 90,000+ drug profiles, including 20,000 drugs in active development, it’s the go-to resource for tracking and analyzing the global drug research and development landscape across all disease areas from preclinical to launch.

Learn how to use Pharmaprojects with Shay Lonergan, Senior Training Specialist at Citeline!

Introduction to Pharmaprojects
Thursday August 24th, 2023 from 2pm to 3pm on Zoom
Registration is required, please contact markuslibrary@rockefeller.edu to register.

Instructor: Shay Lonergan
Shay Lonergan is a Senior Training Specialist with Citeline. Shay has over 15 years of experience helping clients onboard and train on a variety of software services and maximizing their value. Shay resides in Charleston, South Carolina and enjoys baking, hiking with her family and dogs and volunteering with local animal rescue groups.

Please note you will need to create an account on Pharmaprojects website to use this database.
Please contact the library at markuslibrary@rockefeller.edu for detailed instructions.

Please contact markuslibrary@rockefeller.edu for questions and comments.






By |2023-08-01T21:00:44+00:00August 1st, 2023|Categories: Library Resources|Tags: |Comments Off on Expanded our access to Pharmaprojects!

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