The New NIH Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy here!

The New NIH Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy here!

The new NIH Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy now applies to all research, funded or conducted in whole or in part by NIH, that results in the generation of scientific data.

This means that going forward all

  • Competing grant applications that are submitted to NIH
  • Proposals for contracts that are submitted to NIH
  • Other funding agreements (e.g., Other Transactions)

will be required to include a detailed Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) with each grant application.

We are here to help!!
The Library has produced a seminar series outlining the policy and how you can comply with it and recording can be found here.
The Library has created a libguide, found here, to specifically outline and explain the policy in more detail
The Library has also partnered with DMPTool to provide easy access to an easy to use and understand online DMSP generator. Specific guidance for Rockefeller University has been added to DMPTool to assist you in creating your DMSP.

If you have any questions about the new policy or how to comply please contact the following staff at either
The Markus Library at or Office of Sponsored Program Administration at


By |2023-02-23T21:27:34+00:00February 23rd, 2023|Categories: Library How-To, Library Resources, Training, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The New NIH Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy here!

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