Recommended Readings: Stephen Elledge, Ph.D. Friday May 18, 2018

Recommended Readings: Stephen Elledge, Ph.D. Friday May 18, 2018

Friday Lectures Stephen J. Elledge Ph.D.

Friday, May 18, 2018  3:45 p.m.

Caspary Auditorium

Stephen J. Elledge Ph.D.

Gregor Mendel Professor

Department of Genetics

Harvard Medical School

Microgenetics: What We Can Learn About Protein Degradation from Bits of Genes

Recommended Readings:

Science News

Your viral infection history in a single drop of blood. June 4, 2015. ScienceDaily

Empirical Articles

Sack, Laura Magill; Davoli, Teresa; Li, Mamie Z.; et al. (2018). Profound Tissue Specificity in Proliferation Control Underlies Cancer Drivers and Aneuploidy Patterns. CELL. 173 (2): 499-+

Liao, Sida; Davoli, Teresa; Leng, Yumei; et al. (2017). A genetic interaction analysis identifies cancer drivers that modify EGFR dependency. GENES AND DEVELOPMENT. 31 (2): 184-196

Xu, George J.; Kula, Tomasz; Xu, Qikai; et al. (2015). Comprehensive serological profiling of human populations using a synthetic human virome. SCIENCE. 348 (6239)

Emanuele, Michael J.; Elia, Andrew E. H.; Xu, Qikai; et al. (2011). Global Identification of Modular Cullin-RING Ligase Substrates. CELL. 147 (2): 459-474

Larman, H. Benjamin; Zhao, Zhenming; Laserson, Uri; et al. (2011). Autoantigen discovery with a synthetic human peptidome. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY. 29 (6): 535-U101

Yen, Hsueh-Chi Sherry; Xu, Qikai; Chou, Danny M.; et al. (2008). Global Protein Stability Profiling in Mammalian Cells. SCIENCE. 322 (5903): 918-923

Yen, Hsueh-Chi Sherry; Elledge, Stephen J. (2008). Identification of SCF Ubiquitin Ligase Substrates by Global Protein Stability Profiling. SCIENCE. 322 (5903): 923-929

Review Paper

Ciccia, Alberto; Elledge, Stephen J. (2010). The DNA Damage Response: Making It Safe to Play with Knives. MOLECULAR CELL. 40 (2): 179-204

Luo, Ji; Solimini, Nicole L.; Elledge, Stephen J. (2009). Principles of Cancer Therapy: Oncogene and Non-oncogene Addiction. CELL. 136 (5): 823-837


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About the Author:

Ilaria Ceglia, Ph.D., Science Informationist - Ilaria joined the Markus Library Team in 2017. As science liaison between the Rockefeller scientific community and the library, Ilaria assists Rockefeller scientists find, and effectively use, the scholarly communication tools available at the library, provides customized literature searching, delivers research information reports and publications metric analysis to enhance collaborations between Rockefeller and leading scientific institutions, provides access to digital content to manage large data freely accessible. Ilaria manages a drug development database to perform clinical literature searches and drugs pipeline reports for Rockefeller research faculty, scientists and clinicians. As the NIH compliance monitor for the Rockefeller University, Ilaria helps faculty to solve scientific submission requirements issues and ensures Rockefeller remains compliant with NIH Public Access Policy. Her role also includes evaluate and select new databases to complement other resource center services, organize tutorial training sessions in areas of life sciences and on the use of reference management platforms F1000 Workspace, Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed literature searching, managing recommendation readings library blog for lectures and special seminars. Ilaria is a neuroscientist and a former Rockefeller postdoctoral and research associate of Dr. Paul Greengard’s laboratory. She was a Research Assistant Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at City College and Hunter College in New York, where she taught Cell Biology and Biochemistry. As an Italian expat living in New York, Ilaria is an enthusiastic proponent of Italian culture among friends and colleagues.