March Library Training Session: NIH Public Access and PubMed Central

March Library Training Session: NIH Public Access and PubMed Central

Please join us! Our March Training Session is about
NIH Public Access and PubMed Central

When: March 10th 2022 from 1 pm to 2 pm
Where: Zoom – Registration is required, please contact

The NIH public access policy requires the submission of the final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to PubMed Central via the NIH Manuscript Submission service (NIHMS) immediately upon acceptance for publication. Our University Librarian, Matt Covey, will go over steps you need to take, and he will show you when and how to comply with this mandated policy.

The class will cover:

  • NIH Public Access Policy and requirements
  • NIHMS and publishers roles in deposit
  • MyNCBI and Public Access Compliant publications
  • Reporting on Compliant Publications
  • Reporting on other products like book chapters and pre-prints.

Instructor: Matthew Covey, PhD., University Librarian at Rockefeller University

We are looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!

By |2022-02-25T14:55:01+00:00February 23rd, 2022|Categories: Library, Library How-To, Library News, Library Resources, Webinar, Workshops/Classes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on March Library Training Session: NIH Public Access and PubMed Central

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