Recommended Readings: Stanislas Leibler, Ph.D., October 14, 2024

Recommended Readings: Stanislas Leibler, Ph.D., October 14, 2024

Hybrid Monday Lecture Series

(open to the Rockefeller community)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Stanislas Leibler, Ph.D.

Gladys T. Perkin Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Living Matter, The Rockefeller University


Towards Systems Agriculture: on predicting and controlling (hyper)complex systems


Recommended Readings:

Moreira, Bruna, et al. “Intercropping Systems: An Opportunity for Environment Conservation within Nut Production.” Agriculture 14.7 (2024): 1149.

Toker, Pelin, et al. “The advantages of intercropping to improve productivity in food and forage production–a review.” Plant production science 27.3 (2024): 155-169.

Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda, and Mikelis Grivins. “Understanding the potential of sustainability turn in farming: review of sociotechnical adoption factors of agri-environmental cropping practices.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 39 (2024): e16.

Mouratiadou, Ioanna, et al. “The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review.” Agronomy for Sustainable Development 44.2 (2024): 19.

Brooker, Rob W., et al. “Plant diversity and ecological intensification in crop production systems.” Journal of Plant Ecology 16.6 (2023): rtad015.

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