Recommended Readings: Pierre Friedlingstein, Ph.D., September 27, 2024

Recommended Readings: Pierre Friedlingstein, Ph.D., September 27, 2024

Hybrid Friday Lecture Series

(open to the Rockefeller and Tri-Institutional communities)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Pierre Friedlingstein, Ph.D.

Professor, Chair in Mathematical Modeling of the Climate System, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Exeter


The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. Where We are and Where We Need to Be

The Fairfield Osborn Jr. Memorial Lecture

Recommended Readings:

Forster, Piers M., et al. “Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023: annual update of key indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence.” Earth System Science Data 16.6 (2024): 2625-2658.

Sherwood, S. C., et al. “Uncertain pathways to a future safe climate.” Earth’s Future 12.6 (2024): e2023EF004297.

Buma, B., et al. “Expert review of the science underlying nature-based climate solutions.” Nature Climate Change 14.4 (2024): 402-406.

Jones, Colin Gareth, et al. “Bringing it all together: Science and modelling priorities to support international climate policy.” (2024).

Friedlingstein, Pierre, et al. “Global carbon budget 2023.” Earth System Science Data 15.12 (2023): 5301-5369.


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