Recommended Readings: Tiago Branco, M.D., Ph.D., October 11, 2024

Recommended Readings: Tiago Branco, M.D., Ph.D., October 11, 2024

Hybrid Friday Lecture Series

(open to the Rockefeller and Tri-Institutional communities)

Friday, October 11, 2024

Tiago Branco, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Neuroscience and Behaviour, Wellcome Senior Research Fellow, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London


Computation of Instinctive Escape Decisions


Recommended Readings:

Lefler, Yaara, and Tiago Branco. “How the brain plays musical statues.” Nature Neuroscience 26.9 (2023): 1482-1484.

Campagner, Dario, et al. “A cortico-collicular circuit for orienting to shelter during escape.” Nature 613.7942 (2023): 111-119.

Lenzi, Stephen C., et al. “Threat history controls flexible escape behavior in mice.” Current Biology 32.13 (2022): 2972-2979.

Branco, Tiago, and Mala Murthy. “Editorial overview: Neurobiology of behavior.” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 73 (2022): 102559.

Branco, Tiago, and Peter Redgrave. “The neural basis of escape behavior in vertebrates.” Annual review of neuroscience 43.1 (2020): 417-439.

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