Recommended Readings: Michael Fischbach, Ph.D., October 4, 2024

Recommended Readings: Michael Fischbach, Ph.D., October 4, 2024

Hybrid Friday Lecture Series

(open to the Rockefeller and Tri-Institutional communities)

Friday, October 4, 2024

Michael Fischbach, Ph.D.

Liu (Liao) Family Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University


Understanding and Manipulating Immune Modulation by the Microbiome


Recommended Readings:

He, Yiming, et al. “Microbiome modulation of antigen presentation in tolerance and inflammation.” Current Opinion in Immunology (2024): 91:102471

Hou, Kaijian, et al. “Microbiota in health and diseases.” Signal transduction and targeted therapy 7.1 (2022): 1-28.

Wastyk, Hannah C., et al. “Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status.” Cell 184.16 (2021): 4137-4153.

Takiishi, Tatiana, Camila Ideli Morales Fenero, and Niels Olsen Saraiva Câmara. “Intestinal barrier and gut microbiota: Shaping our immune responses throughout life.” Tissue barriers 5.4 (2017): e1373208.

Donia, Mohamed S., and Michael A. Fischbach. “Small molecules from the human microbiota.” Science 349.6246 (2015): 1254766.

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